Tuesday, October 13, 2009


it's amazing

what blows in

when you open



Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Chicago in September

I walked through the city, waiting for it to feel familiar.
Nothing looked the same.
I couldn’t make the streets remember.

The sun warmed the air around us.
Not even the cold winds rolled in from the lake to visit.

But I closed my eyes and then you were there.

How well I forget, until I remember.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Monday, August 10, 2009

Very, A long day

Tonight, I am drunk.
Not as drunk as I have ever been, but drunk enough to know better than to have turned on the computer and written about it.
Attribute this to the lack of sober judgment.
Please allow me to share with you this day; this remarkable, f'd up day.

Today was the Third Annual Fenton Dawson Memorial Volleyball Tournament. It has been almost three years we have spent without our friend. We once again celebrated during a time (when I feel pretty confident in saying) we ALL would rather hide in a corner, scream, beat the walls, curse the heavens, and question everything we have been told to trust.

The past fifteen hours have been some of the most joyous of my life; seeing the people I love most, mixed with those I see once a year, with those I met today. I have not the words to express the exuberance these people bring to my soul.

But tonight, after this long day, after WHY we were there, after the hugs, after the smiles, after the serves, after the camaraderie, after the rule discussions, after the adrenalin and the countless margaritas; I feel drowned.

There are so many thoughts flowing through my head.
It began early this week. . . I've already told you about the anger I feel driving past the airport every day.
But it has escalated.
Here’s the sheer, random, chaotic mess that is happening in my head.

Fenton is dead
Marsha is so beautiful
Maddie and Chase look so big
How does Marsha do this?
Look at all these people
Fenton would have so much fun
This coffee is SO good
I can’t believe all these people are here
Jesus Christ, David is so organized
I knew he was going to iron our shirts
I suck at speeches
Will my hands PLEASE stop shaking - I hate this
I am having the BEST day
David has really got to stop being so organized
This camera rocks
I hope I don’t screw up a line call
My feet didn’t used to hurt this bad from just standing
Fenton could have pancaked that ball!
If he were here, we wouldn't have to be here.

(After Party Time)
Fenton would be out dancing ALL of us!
Seriously, did SHE just do a jello shot?
I'm so stuffed
I love these people.

(Party time over - driving home – probably 10 too many margaritas
Starting to feel the collapse, tears coming.)
What if it were MY mom or dad who was gone?
They'll be gone one day.
Who will I have then?
How am I almost 36 and still have no family of my own?
This is not how I thought this would go

This has been such a long week
No one likes a sad face.
You’ll just freak Mom out.
Talk to Dad.
I'm pretty sure he just thinks I'm drunk and emotional.
Talk to Mom.
"Good God you are drunk."
She definitely thinks I'm drunk . . .


I know they know my fear.
It's just too much really,
for anyone who loves,
to contemplate.

No one has those answers.

The fabric I picked for the ottoman is perfect.
I have a good home, a good job, good parents, wonderful friends, I am strong, funny and independent. List checked.
I’m going to the pool tomorrow.
Maybe I'll sleep in.

But what if tomorrow, you were gone?
Would I be strong? who would I be funny for, and who,

just who

in the world

would I have,

to prove my independence to?

It's going to be hot out tomorrow.
I best take sunscreen.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Hey Fenton, You have mail!

As August 27 grows near I can’t help think more about you. Don’t get me wrong. . . I think about you every day. You see, I’ve taken a job in Versailles, so I drive by the Airport every damn day. I used to love that place. It was the place to go when you needed to be free. To watch the planes bring people home or take them to faraway places one can only dream of.

I never fathomed Heaven to be a destination.

They’re expanding the Airport, if you can believe that. It makes me angry; SO intensely angry when I see the vast acres of raw dirt exposed from the bulldozers. As the oil burns and rises into the sky – I see images of that day and my heart sinks, and aches. It was mildly comforting when the grass grew in your place, when flowers bloomed and life found its way to you. But this is just too much. Tearing you down and building over you will not erase you.

I’m sorry I missed your birthday this year. I promise we’ll have beers soon.

I went to the Arboretum for Summerfest a couple of weeks ago. It’s not Shakespeare in the Park anymore. I remember you and Marsha had the kids there for The Lion King (I think).
That was the last time I saw you.

This weekend is the volleyball tournament. I know you probably still don’t believe we do all this but hopefully you realize that . . . we ain’t stoppin!!! Ha ha ha I’m getting super excited about it! I LOVE seeing everyone out there having fun. It reminds me of the tournaments you guys would play when we were at Ashland. My favorite was the one at Seton Center when it seemed like you guys played for DAYS, through the rain, until 3 in the morning. I don’t even remember if you guys won or lost. I’m sure you do. I’ll have to ask David. He probably had eaten a dozen bananas for his leg cramps that night!

Susie asked Christie and me to come to Pops this year. I think that will be weird but I’m really looking forward to it. I know you’ll be there. I had SO much fun the last time we were all there. That seems like forever ago… I have some very funny pictures from that night. I’m sure beer & wine had NOTHING to do with those. HA ha ha

Ah man, it's good talking to you. It’s been way too long. I miss ya, lots.
See you Saturday. Bring the cooler, your knee-pads and some pancake mix!!!

Monday, August 3, 2009

A Quickie

HA! You all thought this was going to be a dirty little tidbit, didn't you???

NOPE, well, at least, not THIS time.

Today is August 3 and I was thinking that it sounds so "pending fall".

So my quickie thoughts of the day are:

3 things I will miss about summer:
(1) The pool. Perhaps the BEST thing about moving to my new place is the pool and all the laughs I've had with so many wonderful friends. I kinda like my tan, too.
(2) Driving around with my windows down blasting Don Henley, Rick Springfield and Journey.
(3) All the wonderful, glorious cookouts with the most amazing friends in the world.

3 things I'm looking forward to this fall
(1) FOOTBALL - duh, seriously. . . did you have any doubt it would be #1?
(2) Turning off the A/C and opening all the windows ALL day.
(3) Drinking red wine. (Oh wait. . . I already to that all the time anyway. . .)
OK sub 3 with. . . The new series of Mad Men. It is about dang time!!!!

Thursday, July 2, 2009

it's finally caught up to me.
and i'm so tired.
my puppy is home from surgery
it's going to crush my heart to see his wound and know he doesn't understand why we did this to him . . . again.
i'm so tired
i just need some alone time
some quiet
it's been a long 3 weeks
i ran and ran
but it caught me
and now
i am so tired

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Peaks and Valleys

Wow, so besides the post on the Volleyball tournament I have been a blogslacker.
Hrm, I believe I just created a new word.

But I wanted to jot some thoughts down that have been milling about my brain.

So often in life we wonder, "Why is this happening to me?"
During an interview with Quincey Jones about Michael Jackson on the CBS Sunday Morning Show this past week, Quincy said (I won't quote since I don't have it verbatim) Life is full of peaks and valleys. Everyone is there when you're on top, but it's the valleys that show you what you are made of.

Those are true words, people.

It's 30 days shy of my first layoff. A second layoff followed less than 5 months later. Tough times. (Not the first, I'm sure not the last.)

Because today, I have an amazing job that I love (even after 3 months! lol)
New coworkers who are fast becoming good friends.
I have a new home that is more than I need but perfectly harmonious with how I see my future. I have parents who yet again, have displayed their unconditional love. The hopes and dreams they have for me are undying and my happiness seems to be all they need. I am so thankful and I love them more and more.
My friends - there is something about people you choose to love and make your family that is gratifying. I love you guys. You guys can make me smile in any situation.
I can't imagine this world without any of you!

So, when I create that time trail in my head and look back, I clearly see why things have happened and where they have led me.
I need to remember that when someone or something (including myself)steps in (or I screw up)and changes my life, it doesn't mean they (or it) controls the outcome. . . that's mine and only mine to own, mold and guide.

This life keeps getting better and better.

Peaks and valleys, my friends.
Peaks and valleys. . .

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

3rd Annual Fenton Dawson Memorial Volleyball Tournament

WOWZA! Has it been an entire year already?!?!?
Indeed it has and with that, I am SO proud to announce the 3rd Annual Fenton Dawson Memorial Volleyball Tournament!


You ALL continue to overwhelm us with your enthusiasm, love and support!
Last year we had 17 teams participate; up 6 teams from 2007! Absolutely outstanding!
We could not ask for anymore than what everyone of you bring to this tournament each year.
Truly, you touch our hearts.

I will continue to say this as long as this tournament exists - We can think of no better way to remember, honor and CELEBRATE Fenton than by bringing a group of people together as friends and family for a day of being together, laughing, competing and havin’ fun playin’ a little volleyball!

(I just got goosebumps!)

I’ve gotta give a HUGE shout out to KBA!
NONE of this would be possible without KBA donating their facility!
Hats off guys! You’re the best!

Here are your 2009 details!!!!

WHEN: Saturday, August 8, 2009

WHERE: KBA has graciously donated their facility for the 3rd year!

TIME: Opening serve begins promptly at 9:00 AM

Check-in will open at 8:30 AM

COST: $120/ Team

DIVISIONS: B & C CoRec 6’s (at least 2 females per team please!)
You may compete with 4 but you must have two females, please.

Please visit www.fdmvt.com for more details, registration forms and contact information.

For pictures and blogs about the tournament go to www.fdmvt.blogspot.com!

We are SUPER EXCITED to see you all!!

Best regards,
Dave, Christie, Susie, Stephanie, Lisa & Mike

Monday, May 25, 2009

Taking a moment this Memorial Day

It's been a long time. That last time I was here I was celebrating a new job.
Life is back to busy now that I have roughly 10 hours less in my day.
The job is going so well. I am such a fortunate girl!
We are so busy which makes my days fly by.
This would be good if it weren't also my life flying by, but hey. . . at least I'm loving my work and having a good time during all the in betweens.
I've made some new friends who are reminding me of my silly side. (Like it needed to resurface!)
I'm remembering every day to be thankful of all that is.
Very very thankful.

Today is Memorial Day, it is raining which to me is so peaceful. Outside, I hear the birds singing. It is mixed with news reminding us to take a moment of silence for those who have fallen in service to our country.
Just a moment. . .

This past week I enjoyed a family vacation in a beautiful, ocean front home.
I ate, drank and sun bathed on the shore of a calm, sandy beach.

Last Sunday night I sat on a deck overlooking the water while having dinner with my father.
He's a retired Master Sergeant: 11 years Airforce, Vietnam Veteran, 10 years Army Reserve, activated during the Gulf War.
During dinner, I asked him if he was ever truly scared while in Vietnam.

"Yea, one time in particular. There was this plane on our base and me and this guy's job was to guard this plane. Now, the Airforce didn't carry guns but there was a building where if we came under attack we would go and get a gun. Well, we were right on the perimeter of the base so there was a fence, a field, then a trench with another wire fence beyond that. Well we look up and see the VC scaling that outer fence so we went and got guns. I just knew that any minute those VC were going to be coming over our fence. I'd never shot anyone."

Daddy paused.

"Thank goodness we never saw them. The Army was in that trench picking them off as they came over. I never had to shoot, but I was terrified."

"You know, this didn't used to bother me then, but it does now. I used to have to drive around the edge of that base to get to the mail drop every evening. I'd pass by where they would load the dead bodies to take them . . ."

His voice trailed and he turned his head. His eyes filled so I reached for his hand.

"The sunset sure is pretty here." I said

It is almost incomprehensible to look at him, my Daddy, and think that there was such a great chance that he would never live to be my Daddy. He was just a kid.
It is heart wrenching to know that almost 40 years has not been enough to ease the memories of what he experienced. It fills me with pride that MY life and freedoms are in part granted by him and so many others like him.

I think about all the men and women who will come home from serving this country and one day sit on a beach and share a story with their child.
I also think about all those who won't.

For some of us Memorial Day is more than just taking a moment, because a moment, simply isn't enough.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

At a loss for words (almost)

I am sitting on my couch. The window is open and the sun is pouring through. It's cool so I've draped a blanket across my shoulders. The birds are singing and the smell of coffee lingers about the air. Across the street the vine on the stone wall is noticeably greener and the white petals of the blooming tree are giving way to the green buds of leaves. Spring is so beautiful, peaceful, hopeful and inspiring.
Spring bursts life into life, sometimes seemingly overnight.

This Saturday, my Spring has come.
Last night my new job was celebrated with old friends.
(one was missing, but her wine glass was still in its place!)
I know soon enough all of this will be "back to the grind", but for now, right now, I am grateful for all that has found its way to me.
I am thankful that hard work still. . .works.
I am thankful that my family had their hands underneath me, just in case I fell but never believing for a moment that would ever happen.
I am thankful for my friends who bring me sheer joy and laughter, every day, no matter what.
I am thankful that sometimes things may actually happen for a reason.
And I am thankful for myself. For never giving up. For being strong.
For believing in myself.
For taking the time this Spring morning to appreciate all that is.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Southbound Emily

This morning I arose at 6am; so many things still needing to be done for tonight's party.
My mind wrapped itself around the task at hand; rolling out 40 mini-quiche pie crusts. . . then I saw it.
An envelope lay on the counter containing a single photo.
I wanted to open it and look, but who needs one printed picture when so many fill my memories. Countless football games, movies, dinners, belly'n up to a bar, beers, wine (did I hear a bottle of champagne pop?) tv show discussions, discussions in general, about anything and everything. . .

A week from today one of my most dear friends will take a one way trip to St. Petersburg, Florida. I know she is looking forward to this new chapter in her life and while I am excited beyond words for her, I will miss her more than I've been willing to comprehend.
And this morning as I prepare for her "going away" party, I fully comprehend the purpose of my tasks and it is much much harder than I'd thought.

I know true friends never say "Good-bye". . .

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Gym Etiquette - COME ON PEOPLE!!!

1. Unless you are a Doctor (ON CALL) leave your cell phone in your locker!! If you have enough breath to talk on a cell phone while on the treadmill, you aren't working hard enough. Get your ass off the treadmill and let someone who is there to do some work take your sorry-ass place!

2. If you are going to do cardio on a machine less than 2 feet away from the person next to you - brush your teeth or get a mint or SOMETHING! You aren't in your own little room and there is nothing to keep your "I just sucked on a turd" breath from making its way to my nose! I can't exactly hold my breath here!

3. Guys - grunting, counting and blowing spit all over the place when you are trying to lift more than three times your body weight. . . NOT ATTRACTIVE!

4. Don't put your shit (towels, water bottles etc.) on a treadmill to "SAVE" it until you can get out of the locker room (in 10 minutes). If you had wanted a machine you should have shown up 10 minutes earlier like the rest of us!

5. Blowing and popping bubbles with gum. I want to punch you people. . . with a 10lb weight in my hand.

6. Girls - unless you just came from work, wearing your Buxom lip gloss in Candy Pink makes you look like a clown, and that's being polite.

7. People who smell like cigarettes when they get to the gym (or smoke when you leave - yes, we see you!!!) Really? I mean REALLY??? F'in idiots.

8. Don't slam your weights in between reps. 1) You are damaging the weights. 2) It's uber loud and obnoxious. 3) Pick a weight you can lift!

9. Do not sing to your iPod. This isn't American Idol and you suck.

10. If you are working on a machine and you decide you need to have a 20 minute conversation with whothehellever. . . MOVE!!!!!!!!

Saturday, January 31, 2009

A Box Full of Crazy

I can’t help myself; I just can’t resist the temptation any longer.
Almost a year ago I created a blog space to house my collection of stories on dating.
And BELIEVE ME, I have GOT some stories. . .
So without further ado, I present to you
A BOX FULL OF CRAZY . . . . . . . enjoy!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

See Ya 'Round WhiskeyTown!!!


It is my pleasure to invite you to visit a NEW, EXCITING BLOG, WhiskeyTown, USA!

This past summer, after 17 years, I re connected with an old friend from my days spent at Tates Creek High School, Eric Marr.
Eric has made it his career working with communities and their businesses to make them harmonious.
Listening and engaging him in conversation is inspiring and motivating.
It doesn't take long to see and feel the intense passion he has for this city!
Recently having moved back to Lexington, Eric is rapidly expanding his network, getting involved and positively infiltrating our community! You may find his community involvement blog at Infinity Bluegrass!!!

WhiskeyTown, USA, on the other hand, will focus on "the richer, more cultural frequencies of life that I think our Lexington needs to encourage, embrace and express, much more freely and openly." says Eric.

I have been invited to be a contributing writer and am super excited at the opportunity to share my experiences in this great, flourishing city I call home, Lexington, KY. As a matter of fact I published my first post there about 10 minutes ago!!! CHECK IT OUT!!!

See you 'round WhiskeyTown!!!


Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Case In Point

Having made the comment now at least 1,000 times, I again find myself with affirmation of its deepest truth.
"I have the most amazing friends."
Friday I was laid off from my job.
Saturday at 10:30am, Christie along with her two sons, Kadir and Trey arrived bearing gifts of homemade muffins (3 kinds) fruit and coffee.
Unbeknown to me, it had been declared Bunny Slipper Breakfast Party Day.
What would I do without you?
All of you. . .
I couldn't fathom.

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Along the way.

2009 is officially here. No, really, it is. . .
The past weeks have been filled with family, traveling, more family and friends.

I want to say that at Christmas, every hug of my 88 year old grandmother meant a little more, so I held on a little longer. I helped both Brittany AND Logan (cousins)cheat at Scrabble. . . against each other! I held my Mother's hand and patted my Daddy's belly. I've finally managed to look at my family and realize how blessed we are to have one another. Yes, I think I must have known this time was coming but I never knew how it would capture and embrace my heart and soul so strongly. Thirty-five years was far too long to wait for all this.

The New Year has always been a favorite of mine. I'm always filled with some hope, speculation and ambition to make the next 365 days better than the last and I cannot help but sit and reflect over the past. There's nothing quite like your friends to remind you of your prior year. . . whether you want to hear about it or not!

Friendships are ever changing over the years. Some grow stronger while others fall into the quiet corners of photo albums, blogs and memories.
I've learned more about friendships this year than in all of my prior thirty four years combined. Tonight proved no different.
Friendships are relationships; no different than those with a parent or a spouse. Why is it that we assume friendships will be easy and always perfect just because they are "friend"ships?

Tonight a group of friends came together. We learned things, we realized we had grown and our stories found common ground.
Our friendships were bigger than a story, bigger than outside influences and were stronger than we'd known.

I am always amazed when I see just one side and how I feel when I finally see the other side.
I am shocked at those who let people they claim to love go, so easily.
I have always said that I am blessed with the best friends.
We are all in a relationship with one another. My friends are part of my life and my heart, as much as my family. Sometimes you defend them, fight for them, nourish them, love them, hate them, grow with them or watch them grow on their own; forgive them, and sometimes you just have to sit and wait for them to find their way back.

When we take a moment and look down that long path, there are some who are always there along the way.
But then, there are those who somehow make it to the end of that path before you, just to meet you there.
Happy New Year, my friends!