Wednesday, April 23, 2008

A birthday, a gift and a question answered. . .

Today would have been William Shakespeare's 444th Birthday which makes me not feel so bad about my pending 35th Birthday!!!

This man's name is still not only commonly recognized but his work, his art, his passion STILL lives in every textbook, every movie and every poet's heart to this day. He is forever engraved in the history of literature.

Most of you know that I was an English major. Most of you know that I am not the most well read and that books and authors are not engraved in MY memory. So some ask WHY. . .

One day during my 29th year of life I walked into my Econ 291 class. I was a mere five classes from graduation with a Bachelors in Business - Economics degree.
I was pleasantly surprised to see an older, friendly, grey-haired man walk into class.
Someone who would be patient, speak English and I would understand. Instead, I heard the words "If you are not the strongest A or B student you should leave now. This class will make you an Economic Scientist." I got up there and then and walked to the POT to change my major. My advisor looked at me as if I were insane. Maybe I was.
"What would you like to do now Miss Clark?"
"What will get me out of here the quickest?" I asked
"English, but that is 2 1/2 more years for you. Your requirements are different now."
"Sign me up."
I had just traded my one and a half semesters for two and a half more years.
But having just lost my job, I had all the time in the world.

I re-entered college on academic probation.
My first class of my new major was a survey of 17th and 18th Century British Literature . . . at 8:00am. KILL ME!
As I sat in the front row to ensure I wouldn't fall asleep, the professor, Dr. David Miller walked in, briefcase in hand. In the silence he sat the briefcase down, its brass feet tapping the tile floor and he closed his eyes. Then in the silence, the softest, most amazing voice, filled the room with these words. . .

Let me not to the marriage of true minds
Admit impediments.
Love is not love
Which alters when it alteration finds,
Or bends with the remover to remove:
O no! it is an ever-fixed mark
That looks on tempests and is never shaken;
It is the star to every wandering bark,
Whose worth's unknown, although his height be taken.
Love's not Time's fool, though rosy lips and cheeks
Within his bending sickle's compass come:
Love alters not with his brief hours and weeks,
But bears it out even to the edge of doom.
If this be error and upon me proved,
I never writ, nor no man ever loved.

At that moment I knew I had made the choice of my life.
I was in love. In love with the words, in love with the sound, the flow, the beauty, the passion, the feeling in every word falling from his lips.

I went on to finish my Bachelor in Arts - English degree in just 2 years.
I raised my GPA from a 1.8 to graduate with a 3.4.

My gift is being able to read, write, break down, analyze, cherish, feel, and discuss amazing works of poetry.
Had I not taken the chance by walking out of that class that day, I may never have known this. I may still think I had no gift, no passion, nothing that I was truly very very good at and loved so much.

No, I cannot quote pivotal works of literature. (Except for the one above)
I cannot talk in length about the influence of many many authors who have graced our history. But I have this gift inside me and I am blessed to know it's there.

So to William Shakespeare, Happy 444th Birthday.
Thank you for your beauty.
And to Dr. David Miller, if you ever come across this blog - thank you for that morning, at 8:00am, when you changed my life.

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Two weeks. . .

Reflection. Two weeks ago, on Wednesday I walked down the hall at work. I was with a coworker who asked me why I was so happy. My reply to him was this, "Things with my friends. . . things in my friend's lives are just going so great! I feel so happy for them that my chest cannot possibly expand anymore. I am just beyond happy and giddy."
His reply, "That's what we call 'Livin the dream'".
He is so right.
It was the most pure, overwhelming, amazing feeling.
I love my friends.
By 7:50am Thursday morning that feeling couldn't have taken a harder 180 degree turn.
When someone is taken from us it leaves a hole which quickly fills with grief, sadness, anger and loneliness. In today's society where seemingly EVERY question can be Googled and answered, for this question, there is no answer and we are left to find our way from deep inside our own souls, hearts and minds.
This morning I awoke to birds singing, chilly spring air and sunshine.
This morning I made breakfast and coffee and sat on my couch and let my mind wonder out through my window and into the trees.
I thought about the past three days and the friends I have shared each of them with.
I moved to this apartment in the dead of winter. The trees were bare, the ground was cold and hard and the skies were grey.
Today, all of that is giving way to leaves, grass, flowers, sunshine . . . life.
It is the simplest reminder that even the deepest hole will not remain empty.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

so long my friend. . .

Technology is amazing, until it breaks.
R.I.P. dear dear friend.
You will be missed more than you can imagine.