Thursday, July 2, 2009

it's finally caught up to me.
and i'm so tired.
my puppy is home from surgery
it's going to crush my heart to see his wound and know he doesn't understand why we did this to him . . . again.
i'm so tired
i just need some alone time
some quiet
it's been a long 3 weeks
i ran and ran
but it caught me
and now
i am so tired

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Peaks and Valleys

Wow, so besides the post on the Volleyball tournament I have been a blogslacker.
Hrm, I believe I just created a new word.

But I wanted to jot some thoughts down that have been milling about my brain.

So often in life we wonder, "Why is this happening to me?"
During an interview with Quincey Jones about Michael Jackson on the CBS Sunday Morning Show this past week, Quincy said (I won't quote since I don't have it verbatim) Life is full of peaks and valleys. Everyone is there when you're on top, but it's the valleys that show you what you are made of.

Those are true words, people.

It's 30 days shy of my first layoff. A second layoff followed less than 5 months later. Tough times. (Not the first, I'm sure not the last.)

Because today, I have an amazing job that I love (even after 3 months! lol)
New coworkers who are fast becoming good friends.
I have a new home that is more than I need but perfectly harmonious with how I see my future. I have parents who yet again, have displayed their unconditional love. The hopes and dreams they have for me are undying and my happiness seems to be all they need. I am so thankful and I love them more and more.
My friends - there is something about people you choose to love and make your family that is gratifying. I love you guys. You guys can make me smile in any situation.
I can't imagine this world without any of you!

So, when I create that time trail in my head and look back, I clearly see why things have happened and where they have led me.
I need to remember that when someone or something (including myself)steps in (or I screw up)and changes my life, it doesn't mean they (or it) controls the outcome. . . that's mine and only mine to own, mold and guide.

This life keeps getting better and better.

Peaks and valleys, my friends.
Peaks and valleys. . .